Autobiografía en 7mo grado

  Los estudiantes del 7mo grado crearán un ensayo autobiográfico en estilo MLA 9na ed (véase documento adjunto MLA EAVIA requirements). Donde escribirán sobre sus vidas, sus logros y metas. Deben incluir: Introducción (3-5 oraciones) Contenido (5-7 oraciones) pueden ser más de un párrafo, Reflexión como párrafo de cierre (3 oraciones). Incluir dos-tres figuras (1Sigue leyendo «Autobiografía en 7mo grado»

Cita AI en MLA Works-Cited-List Entry Example: “Describe the symbolism of the green light in the book The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald” prompt. ChatGPT, 13 Feb. version, OpenAI, 8 Mar. 2023, Image:

MLA helper links

MLA Style establishes standards of written communication concerning: formatting and page layout applying stylistic technicalities (e.g. abbreviations, footnotes, quotations) citing sources preparing a manuscript for publication in certain disciplines. MLA is typically reserved for writers and students preparing manuscripts in various humanities disciplines such as: English Studies – Language and Literature Foreign Languages and LiteraturesSigue leyendo «MLA helper links»

Bibliography Maker

Why should I sign? You become an ethical writer. Authors and artists get credit for their work. It’s good karma! Using other people’s research or ideas without giving credit is plagiarism. BibMe makes it easy to create citations, build bibliographies and acknowledge other people’s work, so there’s no excuse to plagiarize. Don’t be a thief—saveSigue leyendo «Bibliography Maker»